You did not drop the boat!

Padre, 3/15 taken by Robert
Padre, 3/15 taken by Robert

Around this time 18 years ago I was thinking about the important things I needed to focus on for the next 18 years. I was four months pregnant with a very healthy baby girl who, one day, would make me laugh, skin her knee, have disappointments, make me proud, become a teenager, make me want to scream — did I say make me laugh? — and of course, graduate from high school.

What schools would she go to, how much homework would she have, would she make friends, would she love it or hate, would we make the right choice? Continue reading You did not drop the boat!

IB proud

“Look! She has her father’s brain.”

This is where our relationship starts. Sort of.

I was the one who caught you when you popped out, and I didn’t leave you for a moment. Under the lights in the recovery room, you grabbed my thumb with your impossibly tiny fingers and opened your eyes. It was already you there, behind your eyes. You stared straight into my eyes, and pursed your lips, just as you do. You didn’t need words to say, “What are you looking at?”

Continue reading IB proud